Prepare for competitive examinations by purchasing this Union Public Service Commission from Arihant Publications. The book consist of in depth coverage of all the topics in the syllabus at one place with conceptual clarity to fulfill the needs and demands of the aspirants. It presents fully revised and updated edition for general studies paper three, technology, economic development, bio diversity, environment, security and disaster management. The book incorporates various aspects of growth and development of Indian economy, application of science and technology in everyday life, issues related to information technology, space, computers, nanotechnology and biotechnology, environmental issues, disaster management, security and terrorism. This book has been divided into four unit's namely Indian economy and agriculture, science and technology, bio diversity, environment and disaster management and internal security. It also covers relationship between land reforms, agriculture productivity and elimination of poverty. The contemporary examples have been discussed with theoretical examples and section wise practice questions and model papers based on the UPSC pattern.